IFI Hip Dac convertitore amp-cuffie PCM e DXD fino a 384kHz DSD256 MQA
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IFI Hip Dac convertitore amp-cuffie PCM e DXD fino a 384kHz DSD256 MQA

Disponibilità: Non disponibile
  • SKU prodotto: 19567
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hip-dac sostituisce il DAC (convertitore da digitale ad analogico) dei circuiti di amplificazione dei tablet, smartphone, PC e Mac per migliorare notevolmente il suono delle cuffie. Il suo design e le sue prestazioni lo distinguono dagli altri DAC / amplificatori per cuffie della sua classe. Goditi la musica strabiliante a portata di mano in modo rapido e semplice con l'hip-dac compatto e intuitivo. Collega l'hip-dac tramite USB tra il dispositivo smart, il laptop e le cuffie con cavo mentre sei in giro. Collegalo al tuo PC o Mac a casa o in ufficio. L'hip-dac offre PCM e DXD "bit perfect" ad alta risoluzione fino a 384kHz e fino a DSD256 DSD256 e MQA. Ottieni il massimo dalle tue cuffie bilanciate ovunque ti trovi con le prese da 4,4 mm hip-dac. Lo stadio di uscita analogico dell'anca-dac ha un design bilanciato (differenziale) che significa meno interferenze e diafonia. • Regola il suono dell'hip-dac alle tue priorità di riproduzione con un firmware iFi esclusivo. Approfitta di PowerMatch - guadagno commutabile per soddisfare la sensibilità delle cuffie. Attiva XBass per aggiungere la base mancante per aprire le cuffie o gli IEM supportati

Enjoy high quality sound for up to 8 hours, even if you are using headphones requiring a lot of power such as the HifiMan HE-6 or as little as the Sennhesier IE-800.

The Burr-Brown True Native® chipset means file formats remain unchanged or ‘bit-perfect’. This means you are listening to music as the artist intended in the format in which it was recorded.

At iFi we use Burr Brown extensively in our products having selected it for its natural-sounding ‘musicality’ and True Native architecture. Our experience with this IC means we know how to make the most of it.


Hi-Res True Native® playback of all music formats from MP3 to DSD256, PCM384 and DXD384.

Listen to Master Quality Authenticated audio straight out of the box. Connect to Tidal Masters and check the option to stream MQA.

Our video tutorials on You Tube show you how.

Using Mac or Linux? Then check out our exclusive iFi firmware. Download ‘Limoncello’ 5.2A to unlock DoP256 for Mac/Linux.

Fancy adding the special GTO filter first introduced in our flagship DAC, the Pro iDSD? Use ‘Cookies and Cream’ 5.3C. More on the GTO filter here.

Sonically superior – richer, deeper.

The XBass® analogue bass correction system corrects for the missing headphone/speaker bass response.

It is a superior method to the traditional single-ended circuit approach. Balanced circuits reduce noise and crosstalk. Less Interference – clearer sound.

You normally find this set-up in products at the higher end of the price spectrum such as the Pro iCAN but iFi is now using this across its range to produce the best quality audio for all our customers.

iFi’s exclusive S-Balanced® circuit delivers maximum performance from single-ended and balanced headphones alike.

See our Tech Note to dig deeper.

Formats supported DSD256/128/64, Octa/Quad/Double/Single-Speed DSD




Digital Inputs USB 3.0 type ’A’

High-Speed Asynchronous USB 2.0, (32bit/384kHz)

Headphone Outputs Balanced 4.4mm

S-Bal (SE) 3.5mm

Power Output (@1% THD) BAL: 400mW@32 Ohm ; S-BAL(SE): 280mW@32 Ohm

BAL: 6.3V@600 Ohm ; S-BAL (SE): 3.2V@600 Ohm

Battery Lithium-polymer 2200mAh

Power System Charging via USB-C, BC V1.2 compliant up to 1000mA charging current

Power (max) <2W idle, 4W max

Dimensions 102(l) x 70(w) x 14(h) mm

Weight 125g (0.28 lbs)



hip-dac sostituisce il DAC (convertitore da digitale ad analogico) dei circuiti di amplificazione dei tablet, smartphone, PC e Mac per migliorare notevolmente il suono delle cuffie. Il suo design e le sue prestazioni lo distinguono dagli altri DAC / amplificatori per cuffie della sua classe. Goditi la musica strabiliante a portata di mano in modo rapido e semplice con l'hip-dac compatto e intuitivo. Collega l'hip-dac tramite USB tra il dispositivo smart, il laptop e le cuffie con cavo mentre sei in giro. Collegalo al tuo PC o Mac a casa o in ufficio. L'hip-dac offre PCM e DXD "bit perfect" ad alta risoluzione fino a 384kHz e fino a DSD256 DSD256 e MQA. Ottieni il massimo dalle tue cuffie bilanciate ovunque ti trovi con le prese da 4,4 mm hip-dac. Lo stadio di uscita analogico dell'anca-dac ha un design bilanciato (differenziale) che significa meno interferenze e diafonia. • Regola il suono dell'hip-dac alle tue priorità di riproduzione con un firmware iFi esclusivo. Approfitta di PowerMatch - guadagno commutabile per soddisfare la sensibilità delle cuffie. Attiva XBass per aggiungere la base mancante per aprire le cuffie o gli IEM supportati

Enjoy high quality sound for up to 8 hours, even if you are using headphones requiring a lot of power such as the HifiMan HE-6 or as little as the Sennhesier IE-800.

The Burr-Brown True Native® chipset means file formats remain unchanged or ‘bit-perfect’. This means you are listening to music as the artist intended in the format in which it was recorded.

At iFi we use Burr Brown extensively in our products having selected it for its natural-sounding ‘musicality’ and True Native architecture. Our experience with this IC means we know how to make the most of it.


Hi-Res True Native® playback of all music formats from MP3 to DSD256, PCM384 and DXD384.

Listen to Master Quality Authenticated audio straight out of the box. Connect to Tidal Masters and check the option to stream MQA.

Our video tutorials on You Tube show you how.

Using Mac or Linux? Then check out our exclusive iFi firmware. Download ‘Limoncello’ 5.2A to unlock DoP256 for Mac/Linux.

Fancy adding the special GTO filter first introduced in our flagship DAC, the Pro iDSD? Use ‘Cookies and Cream’ 5.3C. More on the GTO filter here.

Sonically superior – richer, deeper.

The XBass® analogue bass correction system corrects for the missing headphone/speaker bass response.

It is a superior method to the traditional single-ended circuit approach. Balanced circuits reduce noise and crosstalk. Less Interference – clearer sound.

You normally find this set-up in products at the higher end of the price spectrum such as the Pro iCAN but iFi is now using this across its range to produce the best quality audio for all our customers.

iFi’s exclusive S-Balanced® circuit delivers maximum performance from single-ended and balanced headphones alike.

See our Tech Note to dig deeper.

Formats supported DSD256/128/64, Octa/Quad/Double/Single-Speed DSD




Digital Inputs USB 3.0 type ’A’

High-Speed Asynchronous USB 2.0, (32bit/384kHz)

Headphone Outputs Balanced 4.4mm

S-Bal (SE) 3.5mm

Power Output (@1% THD) BAL: 400mW@32 Ohm ; S-BAL(SE): 280mW@32 Ohm

BAL: 6.3V@600 Ohm ; S-BAL (SE): 3.2V@600 Ohm

Battery Lithium-polymer 2200mAh

Power System Charging via USB-C, BC V1.2 compliant up to 1000mA charging current

Power (max) <2W idle, 4W max

Dimensions 102(l) x 70(w) x 14(h) mm

Weight 125g (0.28 lbs)

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