Review: 5 - "A masterpiece of literature" by , written on May 4, 2006
I really enjoyed this book. It captures the essential challenge people face as they try make sense of their lives and grow to adulthood.
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Disponibilità: Disponibile
  • SKU prodotto: 7244

  M8-500s - Overview The M8-700 has received outstanding reviews and an enthusiastic reception from knowledgeable audiophiles. The combination of high power and cutting edge technical performance has proved a compelling combination. However some customers do not have the space for two large monoblocs and do not necessarily need that much power. For them we have designed the M8-500s. Pairing it with the matching M8 Preamp gives an amplification system fit of the highest levels of reproduction M8-500s - Design and Build The M8-500s is a fully balanced stereo amplifier which delivers 500wpc, which almost doubles into 4ohms. The M8-500s is engineered for very low distortion typically less than .001% of 1kz and below .005% at 20kHz. Even at the ridiculous level of 50kHz distortion is a mere 0.02% creeping up to around 0.06% at the even more unreasonable figure of 100kHz. These may be measurements of frequencies never encountered in the real world but they prove a point; that the M8-500s significant less distortion than rival designs. Like the M8-700m the M8-500s has very lose noise. Its combination of huge power reserves, low distortion and low noise contribute to its effortless performance. It delivers everything from delicate detail to massive dynamic slam with incredible speed and precision. Whatever style of music you listen to the M8-500s serves it up in a spacious sound stage with outstanding realism. Its power and balance mean that the M8-500s can drive just about any loudspeaker you choose. It is, of course, the perfect partner/visually and sonically for our M8 preamp. M8-500s - Specifications Performance Power output: 500 Watts per channel into 8 Ohms (27 dBW) THD(+ noise): 120dB 'A' weighted Frequency Response: +0, –1dB, 10Hz to 80kHz Inputs 1x RCA Phono Line Level 1x Line level XLR Balanced 1x Trigger input 3.5mm (⅛”) mono jack ±4.5 to ±15V DC Inputs 1x RCA Phono Line Level (loop output) 1x Line level XLR Balanced (loop output) 1x Trigger output 3.5mm (⅛”) mono jack 12V DC General Dimensions - WxHxD (mm): 440 x 160 x 460 Weight (unpacked / packed): 29 kg / 34.5 kg   Trattiamo tutti i prodotti a catalogo MUSICAL FIDELITY,qualora non trovate ciò che cercate non esitate a contattarci,grazie

  M8-500s - Overview The M8-700 has received outstanding reviews and an enthusiastic reception from knowledgeable audiophiles. The combination of high power and cutting edge technical performance has proved a compelling combination. However some customers do not have the space for two large monoblocs and do not necessarily need that much power. For them we have designed the M8-500s. Pairing it with the matching M8 Preamp gives an amplification system fit of the highest levels of reproduction M8-500s - Design and Build The M8-500s is a fully balanced stereo amplifier which delivers 500wpc, which almost doubles into 4ohms. The M8-500s is engineered for very low distortion typically less than .001% of 1kz and below .005% at 20kHz. Even at the ridiculous level of 50kHz distortion is a mere 0.02% creeping up to around 0.06% at the even more unreasonable figure of 100kHz. These may be measurements of frequencies never encountered in the real world but they prove a point; that the M8-500s significant less distortion than rival designs. Like the M8-700m the M8-500s has very lose noise. Its combination of huge power reserves, low distortion and low noise contribute to its effortless performance. It delivers everything from delicate detail to massive dynamic slam with incredible speed and precision. Whatever style of music you listen to the M8-500s serves it up in a spacious sound stage with outstanding realism. Its power and balance mean that the M8-500s can drive just about any loudspeaker you choose. It is, of course, the perfect partner/visually and sonically for our M8 preamp. M8-500s - Specifications Performance Power output: 500 Watts per channel into 8 Ohms (27 dBW) THD(+ noise): 120dB 'A' weighted Frequency Response: +0, –1dB, 10Hz to 80kHz Inputs 1x RCA Phono Line Level 1x Line level XLR Balanced 1x Trigger input 3.5mm (⅛”) mono jack ±4.5 to ±15V DC Inputs 1x RCA Phono Line Level (loop output) 1x Line level XLR Balanced (loop output) 1x Trigger output 3.5mm (⅛”) mono jack 12V DC General Dimensions - WxHxD (mm): 440 x 160 x 460 Weight (unpacked / packed): 29 kg / 34.5 kg   Trattiamo tutti i prodotti a catalogo MUSICAL FIDELITY,qualora non trovate ciò che cercate non esitate a contattarci,grazie

Attenzione, aggiornamento in data 01/01/21: 

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